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My goal my ambition

 Every children has a dream, that are has a dream as a teacher, doctor, police or another dream that has a one purpose useful for another person and also citizen. It just like me, since i was child i have a dream to be entrepreneur. The picture of my dream since i was grade in 5th elementary school.I think that to be entrepreneur is so interesting and never making us boring. In the other side to be entrepreneur can add new experience because to be entrepreneur has a double job, to be employee, as a manager of financial, and other job.

My goal after graduating from college is to become a successful entrepreneur because it was my dream from childhood. In an era like today, there are so many people who are laid off that they are forced to become unemployed, even though they have to meet the needs of their families. There are many people who have the ability and skills but they do not have the capital to set up a business.

Therefore I want to become an entrepreneur because I want to open my own job opportunities and be able to help people who do not have a job so that they have income and can make ends meet to achieve a better life. Becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy thing. We have to pioneer everything from below, we often experience failure. There is a saying "Failure is the Key to Success". Those words make me excited and keep trying to achieve my goals.


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CADAS PANGERAN Jalan Cadas Pangeran was built on the idea of ​​Governor General Herman Willem Daendles, in 1809. In the construction of this road, General Daendles employed indigenous people, the Sumedang people. At the time of making the road, the people of Sumedang were employed as compulsory labor under Dutch command. Because this area is on the edge of a cliff with a deep ravine and steep terrain and rocky rock that is very hard not infrequently the indigenous workers experience great suffering. In fact, not a few are affected by malaria until death. And it is estimated that thousands of other people lost their lives while working on this road. Cadas Pangeran's own story comes from the suffering of the people of Sumedang in the construction of this road. At that time the sad story reached the ears of the Sumedang regency authority at that time, namely Prince Kusumadinata IX or the more popular one, Prince Kornel. When Daendels came to monitor road construction, sudde


Dialogue Ari: Wait,is that you Alkaissa? Alka:oh,yes and are you ari right? Ari: yes! Long time no see !where have you been? Alka:ive been moving from sumedang to bandung. Have you eat tahu sumedang Ari:of course i do! Your hair look so good Alka: Thank you ! I cut it in maman barbershop, i heard you win a coocking competition right? Ari: yes,i win it yesterday Alka: congratulation ari! Ari: thankyou Alka: your welcome,where do you learn how to cook? Ari: my parent teach me how to cook since i was a little Alka: thats cool ! I want to ask you? Ari: what? Alka: how many person that join the competition? Ari: i think only a hundread Alka: are the competition hard for you? Ari : yes its very hard Alka: why? Ari: because there is a lot of person that good in coocking Alka: who is the hardest opponent? Ari: i think it is ishmat Alka: woe, and what is the prise? Ari: i think only a car Alka: wow,can you teach me how to cook Ari : sure just come to my place Alka:

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